What we offer

Managed Portfolio Services

Choose from one of our Managed Portfolio Services, designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of clients with different circumstances, offering both a total return and income approach.

Request a call back How we work with you

Which managed portfolio services suits your client?

Our Managed Portfolios are available through popular adviser platforms, with low or no minimum investment levels so suit clients with large or small sums to invest.

Managed Portfolio Service

Dynamic Passive Portfolios

For clients who want an actively managed but low cost investment portfolio.

Managed Portfolio Service

Blended Portfolios

For clients who want the optimum mixture of both lower cost and active management.

Managed Portfolio Service

Multi Manager Portfolios

For clients needing a flexible and high quality actively managed portfolio accessing leading fund managers.

Managed Portfolio Service

Responsible Portfolios

For clients who want investments with enhanced environmental, social and governance characteristics.

Benefits of our Managed Portfolio Service

All our Managed Portfolios draw on the firm’s investment resources and processes and offer a total return approach for your clients seeking real growth.

Diversified asset allocation

We build portfolios with a broad spread of globally diversified assets, which we expect to generate positive, inflation-adjusted returns over the long term. We adjust these asset allocations and holdings to reflect changing conditions in the world economy and investment environment.

Dynamic portfolio management

Through expert analysis of investment instruments, we manage our portfolios to achieve the optimal investment return for the agreed level of risk. We actively seek to maintain the optimal mix of different assets and this multi-asset approach is fundamental to our process for building and managing portfolios.

Expertise and depth of resource

We hold more than 300 face-to-face meetings with specialist fund managers from around the world every year. As a result, we have developed strong relationships, giving us excellent access to key decision-makers in these funds. When selecting passive funds, we have robust due diligence processes in place

Our central investment process

We understand the challenges that face financial advisers and are committed to providing the investment support you need. Our job is to manage the money to the mandate agreed between you and your client.

Watch the video

To give you clarity and confidence in our decision-making with your clients' investments, let us introduce you to our Centralised Investment Process and the investment principles that guide it. This video will cover:

  • Strategic asset allocation
  • How dynamic alignment works for your client
  • The process behind how we implement investment decisions

If you have any questions, request a call back and we'll help arrange a call or meeting with your local Intermediary Sales contact.

Latest insights

What can we expect in 2025?
By  Patrick Farrell
Head of Research
23 Dec 2024 | 12 min read
Why US tariffs are the talk of the town
By  Matej Lovrenovic
Associate Strategist
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UK economic outlook: quarterly growth stalls but annual growth remains positive
By  Benedict Tottman
Multi-Asset Strategist and Portfolio Manager
18 Dec 2024 | 6 min read
Bonds or equities: which asset class presents a better investment opportunity?
By  Benedict Tottman
Multi Asset Strategist & Portfolio Manager
27 Nov 2024 | 5 min read

Request a call back

Get in touch with your local Intermediary Sales team to discuss our wide range of services and how we can work with you and your clients.

0207 739 8200 (Open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

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