

There are thousands of different funds out there for you to choose from. Watch our series to learn more about investing from the fund experts, helping you to make more informed choices.
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Join us each month as we welcome a different fund manager who manages one of the funds on our preferred list to learn about a different fund sector, giving you the educational tools that you need to make more informed investment decisions.

Featured fund

Vanguard Global Credit Bond

This fund seeks to provide moderate but reliable income through investing in a diversified portfolio of corporate bonds on a global basis.

  • An active, global approach that produces a wider portfolio than a UK bond fund, thereby providing broad, ‘core’ exposure to the asset class.
  • Overseas currency exposure is hedged to remove the additional volatility of foreign exchange markets.
  • For those not wishing to take income, ‘accumulation’ units can be purchased that reinvests it for you to add to the value of your holding.
Featured fund

Lazard Emerging Markets

Managed by an experienced team headed by James Donald, this fund offers broad exposure across emerging markets, a higher risk area.

  • Provides a one-stop-shop for emerging markets, investing across Asia, South America and Eastern Europe
  • Takes a patient approach of buying out-of-favour stocks for the long term
  • A strict focus on the valuation and quality of companies helps temper the inevitable high level of volatility in these regions
Featured fund

Schroder Asian Total Return Trust

This investment trust aims to invest in good-quality companies across Asia while aiming to temper volatility.

  • Combines the skill and resources of Schroders in Asian equity selection with a high conviction, repeatable approach
  • Aligns to strong secular growth trends in the region such as technological innovation, rising consumption and healthcare
  • Uses the closed ended investment trust structure to allow it to buy promising smaller companies
Featured fund

Brown Advisory US Sustainable Growth

This fund has a sustainable growth focus and is managed by Karina Funk and David Powell at US firm, Brown Advisory.

  • Each company owned within the fund must have a ‘Sustainable Business Advantage’ which helps clarify the management team’s thinking on how sustainability can help drive revenue growth
  • The fund managers aim for higher quality, higher growth holdings, often trading at higher valuations than the benchmark average, which can mean added volatility
  • If you’re looking for investment ideas in the US sector, this fund could especially suit investors who want to take a responsible approach with environmental and social considerations
Featured fund

Allianz Technology Trust

Allianz Technology is a UK-based investment trust focused on shares in the technology sector, aiming for long-term growth.

  • It is exposed to major technology themes such as AI, cybersecurity, cloud computing and semi-conductors
  • It's no surprise to find top holdings include Apple, Meta, Nvidia, Alphabet and Microsoft - but the Trust balances this with investments in next-wave technology companies, too
  • The management team offer broad experience and expertise and are based close to the heart of the action in Silicon Valley
Featured fund

Man GLG Undervalued Assets Fund

This fund which appears on our Preferred List is a high-conviction UK equity fund managed by Henry Dixon and Jack Barrat.

  • The fund managers have a disciplined, contrarian investment approach and flexibility to invest in medium and small-sized companies
  • Although they are ‘value’ investors aiming to buy shares in companies at a significant discount to their true worth, they are also keen to guard against financial risk
  • Dixon and Barrat have a strong preference for companies with little or no debt and place emphasis is on quality and strength

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What are money market funds and why are they suddenly popular?
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