
Guide to Responsible Investing

Read our exclusive investment guide today to help you understand how you can invest with your values in mind.

What is Responsible Investing?

Responsible Investing often involves incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors, which are non-financial considerations that inform investment decisions based on an assessment of the risks these factors pose.

ESG is not about what a company manufactures or sells but how it goes about it.


Takes into account the impact companies are having upon the planet today and in the future. Including, pollution, waste & emissions, raw material sourcing, native bio-systems & species, renewable energy & efficiency and recycling.


Takes into consideration the social impact the companies are having upon people in the world. Including human rights, workers conditions & rights, corporate citizenship, supporting the wider community and consumer protection.


Considers the structure, procedures and practices by which a company is controlled and directed, including the diversity of senior management and their remuneration. Including business ethics, equality & diversity, fair treatment of labour, health & safety and shareholder rights.

How to match investments with your personal values

Responsible Investing is an investment approach that considers social and environmental good as well as financial return.

Read the guide to Responsible Investing and learn:

  • The key approaches to Responsible Investing and how they are relevant to the day-to-day business of investing
  • What is Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), and how does ESG apply in the real world
  • Key Responsible Investing terms

Please note: This was released prior to SDR and thus the information may not be in line with the Anti-Greenwashing rule but contextually is appropriate for the time it was written.

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Preferred List

Our curated list of preferred investments covers funds and investment trusts and represents some of our research team’s best ideas. Filter by investment type or sector and look at options for responsible investing. Ideal for investing new money.

Our Approach to Responsible Investing

Our approach to Responsible Investing enables us to align your investment strategy with your ethical values, embodying our caring and fair company values.

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